Lead Product Strategist, Brand Designer, and No-Code Website Developer
Team - hybrid 4-person hackathon

Canvas Coders is a project that was completed during the Miami NFT Week hackathon in April 2023 in under 30 hours. As a member of the team, I led product strategy, no-code website development, and branding for the solution. Our goal was to create a personalized digital learning experience that would help early learners discover and adopt the tools to become lifelong learners of ART + STEAM.

The solution offers two learning tracks for early coders, curious minds, and trailblazers: an Art Track and a Code Track. Through interactive courses in art and coding, learners can earn badges and awards that grow their personalized NFT gallery, which reflects their preferences in color, style, and more.

In addition to the learning tracks, Canvas Coders also offers a social community where learners can connect with peers and receive programming input through collaborative and peer programing learning. Upon completion, learners can display their art and code pieces in a " virtual art gallery" and receive dynamic NFT rewards to motivate their learning.

As a result of our team's hard work and dedication, we were able to create a solution that has the potential to revolutionize the way early learners approach ART + STEAM education. The no-code website I developed, Canvas Coders, showcases the features of the solution and serves as a platform for learners to access the learning materials.

You can view the full project overview and submission on DevPost and the public GitHub repository of the project here.


How we built it:

  • Canva for no-code website

  • Owl protocol for NFT issuing

  • React + Next for web framework

  • Github + Vercel for CI/CD for versioning and web hosting

  • Checkly for Quality Control

  • Codesandbox for the collaborative editor

  • p5.js for generative art rendering

  • YouTube on screen recording and playback

  • Figma for interactive prototype