Product manager - venture design & strategy
Team - consultant

Consulting under Prolific Interactive (acq. WeWork) our mission was to develop the strategy, design and overall experience of the House Manager by A3 Ventures mobile experience, meeting product and business goals. House Manager is an on-demand home maintenance subscription service powered by A3 Ventures, the innovation lab and capital investment engine of AAA. To accomplish this, I led a cross-functional team through various design sprints, idea exploration, experience iteration, and user testing to develop and refine the end-to-end experience from the ground up focused on targeted user personas and design KPI’s. The biggest challenge we faced in developing this product was the need for the experience to be inclusive of an older demographic (65+) and accessible for those with disabilities. You can read the project recap here.

1_iPhoneX_No Reservations 3.37.46 PM.png
property dropdown.png
expanded home score.png
Appointment Confirmation - Notifications Disabled.png

Targeted User Personas

Personas 01.png